A special THANK YOU to all these amazing people helped to make our Fab Lab what it is today.

Past Affiliates and Partners

Janice Mitchell

Director of UNCC (2013-20)

Beth Hand

Assistant Director of UNCC (2016-20)

Keana Lampkins

Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center (2016-17)

Betsy Su

Youth Services Librarian at Champaign Public Library (2014-17)

Sarah Butt

DCEO Affiliate and Youth Services Librarian at Champaign Public Library (2014-17)

Joel Spencer

Adult Services Librarian at Urbana Free Library (2013-17)

Lauren Chambers

Adult Services Librarian at Urbana Free Library (2016-17)

Joel Shoemaker

DCEO Curriculum Development and Oakwood Public Library Director (2015-17)

Michelle Biwer

GSLIS Intern at Urbana Free Library

Amber Cox (Castens)

Adult Services Librarian at Urbana Free Library

Hailley Fargo

DCEO Affiliate at UNCC / Tap In 

Travis Faust

DCEO Affiliate at Kenwood Elementary (2014)

Kim Naples

DCEO staff (2014)

Karen Barton

Community Ambasador (2013)

Sally Carter

Director of Tap In (2011-14)

Joe Coyle

GSLIS GA at UNCC/Tap In (2013)

Cat Calcagno

GSLIS GA at UNCC/Tap In (2013)

Supporting Faculty and Academic Professionals

Amy LaViers – Dancing Robotics with the Rad Lab (2018-19)

Andrew Suarez – Biology, Suarez Lab (2019)

Rachel Switzky, David Weightman, Andy Singer, Noah Isserman – Siebel Center for Design planning (2016-19)

Maya Israel, Rebecca Teasdale, Judith Pintar, Jim Wentworth, Chad Lane, Emma Mercier – Fab Lab research group and related education grants (2015-19)

Aaron Brakke, Lowell Miller, Kevin Erickson – Detail and Fabrication in Architecture, Design Research Initiative (2016-19)

Allen Renear, Guy Garnett – Illinois Informatics Institute sponsorship (2013-17)

Wai-Tat Fu, Helen Wauck – Spatial Literacies and Minecraft NSF proposals (2016-17)

Sharon Irish – Community Informatics Initiative grants; Prairie Futures; Hip Hop Informatics (2011-2017)

Jim Leake – ISE Product Development Lab collaborations and UNCC sponsorship (2016-17)

Rachel Flood Heaton, Deana McDonaugh – Industrial Design and UI Extension projects (2017)

Jon Gant, Alvarez Dixon, Kathie Lorie Brown, Judy Schmidt, Jody Johnson, Kristi Stout, Kirstin Phelps, Rachel McGhee – DILP Grant (2014-16)

Sally Jackson – Original IT infrastructure, Mobile Fab Lab visit, class visits (2009-2016)

Alan Craig, Scott Poole – Alaska Federation of Natives NSF grant (2010-2016)

Vishal Sachdev, Aric Rindfleisch – Business Makerlab and Coursera course collaborations (2014-17)

Anita Say Chan – Prairie Futures; Design Center Building planning, class visits (2013-2017)

Martin Wolske – DCEO and DILP grants (2013-16)

Tyler Denmead – Art Education Makerspace class (2015)

Emily Knox, Robert Baird – Prairie Futures; Design Center Building planning (2015-2016)

Michael Twidale, Robb Lindgren, Carol Tiley – Class projects (2014-16)

Clara Chu, Susan Schnuer, Paula Kaufman – Mortenson Center (2014-16)

Joe Bradley, Bruce Litchfield, – IEFX and engineering support (2013-16)

Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld – Labor Employment and Relations sponsorship (2009-12)


Project Volunteers and Additional Community Partners

Mya Khoury, Michelle Tam, Riah Shah, Cameron Alberg, Lawrence Elitzer, Sophia Pipathsouk, Joey Lund, Sharlene Denos, Laura Hinkla, Gergana Slavova, Isak Massman, Hyeok Chan Han, Sahil Kumar, Zonghe Chua – CU Make Make-a-thon (2015-17)

Laura Beyer, Paula Martin, Patar Tantular – Clark-Lindesy Retirement Community (2015-16)

Joe Spanier, Jay Babin, Chris Sketch, Ryan Branch – River City Labs Makerspace (2014-16)

Rachel Hellenga – Workshop 88 (2014-16)

Irakli Kashibadze, Levan Gabisonia, Nini Kharistvalashvili, Nino Epkhoshvili – Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency Visit (2016)

Todd Lash, Miriam Larson – Kenwood Elementary Tech Time after-school program (2014-15)

Bart Pulliam, Lorie Becraft – DILP grant collaborators (2014-15)

Graciela Quesada Fernández, Ramón Masís Rojas, Danilo Reuben – University of Costa Rica Visit (2015)

Matt Alonzo – Stereolithography 3D printer (2013-15)

Guanyang Luo – Friday open lab support (2014)

Jim Anderson – Birdhouse workshop and expansion advising (2013-14)

Zach Stein – Summer camp support (2014)

Jeff and Isabella Howard – Fab Lab Youth Council (2013-14)

Jonathan Landais, Marie Lombard – Fab Lab Lyon France Workshop Exchange Visit (2013)

Matt Schroyer – Dustduino and drones (2013)

Steve Granda – Clonzilla imaging system (2013)

Nadia Karlinsky – New sign-in interface (2013)

Melvan Haas – Neuromaker revival (2013)

Winter Break Closure

Last open hours

THUR, December 19th

open hours Resume