
A preliminary set of selected Fab Lab publications and presentations.

Chan, A.S., Ginger, J. (2017). “Design Research: The Space of Design Research.” Erlanger House, University of Illinois, Design Research Initiative, 04.2017.

Ginger, J. (2016). “Beyond DILP: Metacognitive Strategies for Learning and Design Center Public Engagement.” University of Illinois Extension Annual Conference, UIUC, 10.2016.

Ginger, J., Israel, M., Teasdale, R., Bievenue, L., Linder, S., Bentz, J. (2016). “Towards a Progressive Model for Metacognitive Strategies and Makerspace Learning.” iSchool Research Showcase, UIUC, 10.2016.

Linder, S., Ginger, J., and Nelson, J. (2016). “Arduino Powered Pom Pom Robots for Fun and Learning.” Fab Learn Conference, Palo Alto, 10.2016.

Ginger, J., Nelson, J. (2016). Fab Labs: Opportunities for Education, Research, Entrepreneurship and CommunitiesGeorgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency(abroad), 03.2016.

Ginger, J. (2015). Fab Labs: Opportunities for Education, Research, Entrepreneurship and Communities. University of Costa Rica, 04.2015.

Nicholson, S., Ginger, J., Mayer, B. (2013). “Monster or Bust: Enabling Youth through 3D Modeling and Printing.” A presentation in Creating Game-Based Makerspaces, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, 06.2013.

Ginger, J., McGrath, R. Barrett, B. & McCreary, V. (2012). “Mini Labs: Building Capacity For Innovation through a Local Community Fab Lab Network” Fab8nz(agenda), Wellington, New Zealand 2012.

McGrath, R. E., Rischau, J., & Craig, A. B. (2012). Transforming Creativity: Personalized Manufacturing Meets Embodied Computing. Knowledge Management and E-Learning, 4(2), 157-173.

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THUR, December 19th

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